Singing Guide: Bethel Music

Singing Guide: Bethel Music

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Bethel Music – Insights from Singing Carrots

If you are an aspiring Christian singer, you might want to consider studying the style of Bethel Music. Known for their powerful vocals and spirited performances, their music is sure to inspire and move both performers and listeners alike. In this article, we'll explore some of the unique characteristics of Bethel Music's vocal style, and offer some tips and resources to help you learn to sing like them.

Bethel Music's Vocal Style

One of the hallmarks of Bethel Music's performance style is their vocal power and range. They often use a combination of soft, gentle singing and explosive belting to create a sound that is both intimate and epic. They also incorporate dynamic changes in volume and intensity throughout their performances, giving their songs a sense of tension and release.

Another characteristic of Bethel Music's music is the use of harmonies. They often employ intricate and lush harmonies that add depth and richness to their songs. Finally, their music often has a signature gospel feel, making use of syncopated rhythms and soulful vocal inflections.

Tips for Singing like Bethel Music

If you want to learn to sing like Bethel Music, here are some tips to get you started:

1. Focus on Vocal Power and Range

Bethel Music is known for their wide range and powerful vocals. Work on strengthening your voice and expanding your range, so you can hit the high notes and belt out notes with passion and intensity. To help with this, consider taking Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your vocal range. You can also use the pitch accuracy test to determine where you need more work.

2. Study and Practice Harmonies

Bethel Music often uses intricate and lush harmonies, so focus on learning how to blend your voice with others. Practice singing with a group, and work on making your voices blend together. Singing Carrots' search tool can help you find songs with harmonies you can practice with.

3. Work on Rhythm and Soulful Inflections

Bethel Music's signature gospel feel is characterized by syncopated rhythms and soulful vocal inflections. Work on developing a good sense of rhythm to help you sing with this style. Study contemporary techniques like heavy modal, twang, and belting to help with soulful inflections.

4. Study Bethel Music's Performances

One of the best ways to learn to sing like Bethel Music is to study their performances closely. Watch their live performances and music videos, paying close attention to their technique and style. You can use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see the notes they are hitting and get a sense of their vocal range.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources to help you learn to sing like Bethel Music. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Use their search tool to find songs with similar characteristics to Bethel Music's music, including vocal power, harmonies, and gospel feel.
  • Take the vocal range test to determine your vocal range, and the pitch accuracy test to identify areas where you need more work.
  • Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see the notes you are hitting and practice your technique.
  • Study topics such as voice types, breathing basics, registers and vocal break, vocal distortion, resonance, vocal health, posture, and more in their blog articles.
  • Use the educational singing course to learn practical tips and theories about singing and develop your own authentic voice.


Learning to sing like Bethel Music requires practice, dedication, and a deep understanding of their unique vocal style. But with the right resources and techniques, you can develop the skills you need to master their sound and become a talented Christian singer. Use Singing Carrots' resources and tips to inspire and guide your journey.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.